Credit: Sophie Jones – Unsplash
Dacorum Green Party is pushing for a rapid upgrade of local electric vehicle (EV) charging points. Councillor Paul de Hoest (Berkhamsted) and Green Party campaigners Joe Stopps (Tring) and Sherief Hassan (Hemel) are working with EV companies and local councillors to upscale Dacorum’s inadequate charging facilities.
We have companies such as Osprey and Instavolt keen to install rapid chargers right across the area! These companies will install their devices at no cost to the taxpayer and will also pay the council a lease to site them on council land such as public car parks.
Is Dacorum on track with ev charging?
According to Government figures, Dacorum is woefully behind the nation on EV charging facilities. Paul, Joe and Sherief have reached out to various companies to identify suitable sites and are now in the process of working with other local councillors and council officers to make this possible.
The research suggests that over the full life-cycle from manufacture to end-of-life driving an EV creates far fewer emissions and air pollution than the fossil fuel equivalents. Embracing this new technology should not be solely for those privileged to have a private driveway.
The experience of EV in Dacorum
Speaking about this, Joe Stopps said, ‘I own an electric vehicle and live in a Victorian house with no private parking in the Tring Triangle.” Joe went on to say, “With no decent public charging facilities in the town it has proved difficult for me to charge my car, I believe it’s the council’s duty to encourage local people to own EVs, especially when the damage air pollution is doing to our people and our environment is so great.”
If you are the owner of an EV or if you are considering moving to one but are concerned about the lack of EV chargers please reach out to your local councillors and help Paul, Joe and Sherief in their mission to improve EV facilities in Dacorum.